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Hotpack Blogs

The Mother’s recipe of Love

by Sanjeev Kumar 18 Apr 2019 0 Comments

Wilson had just reached his new home in Boston after a long flight.  Sipping his coffee in the Espresso Cup he held in his hand, he was thinking how his mother brewed a lovely coffee when he was with her. This was his first ever stay away from his parents. As an industrial engineer, he always had passion in making disposable food containers.  As a student, he always excelled in his college, by coming up with innovative food containers during his practical sessions. He would always assist his father (who had a bakery and fast food restaurant) in carefully packing the Cake in craft cake box and sliding the box into their personalized brown paper bags. He even would display the entrepreneur in him by getting occasional orders for party supplies. His father’s cake shop “ The Bake Shop” soon became a popular bake shop in their locality. He was thinking all his past days when the phone rang. It was his mother


“ Hey Wil, hope you had a comfortable flight. How are you son?”


“Hi Mom. I am good. Am missing your coffee and pan cakes now mom.”


“ Wil, I have a surprise for you. I packed few portions of cup cakes which I made specially for you. You can find them in your plastic bag nicely wrapped in a cup cake box. Well I hope you like them.  I also packed some more eatables in a paper bag.”


“Mom, thank you so much. You are a true angel mom. Listen, I will call you back. Will do some unpacking”


As he hung up, he opened his bag to find the pan cakes and croissants she packed for him. As he took a bite, he wondered how his mother’s cakes and burgers taste so exceptionally good.  He remembered how his friends would pounce on his lunch box when he bought the noodles box to his school for lunch. During his birthday parties, the trays were decorated with cupcakes beautifully covered with  cupcake papers. Wil was missing his home already. He unwrapped the wax paper in which his mom Jane, packed the croissants and took some quick bites. They tasted great. He thought to himself that it perhaps was the few ounces of “Love” that she added to the dish that they tasted so yummy.


Why is it that for any person, his/her mother’s food always is the best ever? Will thought that it was perhaps the emotions of love that go in to add that additional flavor that truly touches ones heart thorough the taste buds.  All of us prefer to eat fresh food, but when it’s mother’s handmade, the food tastes great even when packed in a food container and eaten after a long flight. Will, was thinking about all these, when his alarm rang. He thanked his mom in his heart and also thanked every mother on earth for their unconditional love they show to their children, took a deep sigh and went to bed to catch some sleep. He felt to himself that no one could ever explain the true recipe of Mother’s Love and no one would ever will.

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